So. .yesterday, its was a beautiful day here in Chicago - almost 80 degrees and sunny. The first awesome spring day for a ride. The Moots and Stratus have good intentions to go for a medium distance ride, which turned into a very very long 38 miler. Both of us had almost nothing to eat the whole day before the ride, which translated to at mile 18 both of my legs and body was cashed in. With 20 more miles to ride and very little fuel it netted out to be one brutal ride. And my longest one of the season so far. It goes to show that some times the best intentions, weather, riding partner can turn into a brutal-brutal ride.
As Phil Ligget would say "we put money in the bank for a future ride", I just hope to cash in on this pain at a later date. More than half of ride ride with cramped quads and not enough fuel, energy, or liquid. Lesson learned.